You can operate on a database from the marcel command line. Marcel links commands through pipes carrying tuples. Relational databases, of course, operate on tables -- sets of tuples -- so the integration of marcel pipelines and database access is very clean.
For example, suppose you have a table recording process information over time:
create table process(time int, -- seconds since the epoch
pid int,
command varchar,
primary key(time, pid))
You can add data by using marcel commands to get process information, piping the data into a sql statement which inserts to this process table:
timer 1 | args (| t: \
ps | \
map (p: (t,, p.cmdline)) | \
sql 'insert into process values(%s, %s, %s)' |)
timer 1: Generate a timestamp every 1 second.
args (| t: ... |): Bind each incoming timestamp to the pipeline parameter t.
ps: Generate a list of Process objects.
map (p: (t,, p.commandline): For each Process, p, generate a tuple comprising the timestamp t, and from the Process, the pid and commandline.
sql ...: Insert a tuple containing timestamp, pid and command line into the process table.
You can also retrieve data and pipe it into marcel commands, e.g.
sql "select time, count(*) from process \
where command like '%python%' group by time" \
| out '{}: {}'
This runs a query, and then pipes the output to a marcel command to format the result as "time: count".